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Weight Loss for Everyone: Family won't "help" me lose weight

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Family won't "help" me lose weight

There is a rant in here so please put up with it but the main question is at the bottom

So I have been struggling with my weight for a long time since I was 8. The problem was that my mum would cook me alot of food for my age, I was probably eating a regular adult portion when I was 10 and it got even bigger since. I'm not sure why she done it maybe it was possessive and worrying nature but I ended up getting very obese to the point I am now 250lbs~ and 5'8. In an attempt to lose weight I would limit myself to only eating dinner because it was so big but it didn't help too much and I wasn't allowed to go outside much, still can't tbh but due from bulling in secondary school and being unable to lose the weight I got depressed and ended up eating more sugary stuff. I told my mum to cut down on the amount she cooks because I noticed that this isn't just happening to me but my little brother is gaining lbs fast and he's only 9 so she said she would but doesn't really do it and I can't eat half because its drilled into me at this point to eat everything on the plate and she ends up getting worried so I don't bother making a fuss. I tell her alot that we are eating too much and she always says that it's healthy so it doesn't matter.

As of now I am just starting to workout but it would be pointless if I can't cut back on what I eat, does anyone have advise on what I can try telling her and any tips to lose weight

submitted by /u/ayeayesirsir
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