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Weight Loss for Everyone: Girls laughed at me at the gym today

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Girls laughed at me at the gym today

I have been going to the gym for the last few weeks to lose weight, improve my fitness and appearance, hopefully be able to run the london half marathon, find a girlfriend and wear some nicer clothes.

It wasn't quite busy, and I went on the treadmill, I was doing 5 mph at 15% incline for 10 mins, then 10mph at 0 % incline for 10 mins. I realised at the high speed I was on the 1 noisy machine (makes noise when I run), and as I increased the speed from 5 to 10, I started to make alot of noise. As there were not a great number of people, I just continued.

A few minutes in two girls came in and went on the machines behind me, I saw them (using the mirror) pointing at me, laughing, and recording me (probably for snap chat) . I just did 5 minutes, and left as I was embarrassed. If I was normal sized, this would not have happened. With valentines coming up, I realised my weight is the reason I'm probably alone.

I'm thinking about quiting the gym, and just cutting down on calories. Sorry if this isn't the right place, just needed to get it off my chest.

submitted by /u/TightRegister
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