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Weight Loss for Everyone: Busy Redditors, How Do You Maintain Discipline for Health While Juggling Responsibilities?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Busy Redditors, How Do You Maintain Discipline for Health While Juggling Responsibilities?

I just started my senior year of college, and I really want to lose 30-40 pounds before graduation next May. I know this would be pretty manageable for some, but I struggle with discipline. I put so much discipline into convincing myself to go to class, study, and work hard at my job, I slack in other important areas of my life. My grades are fantastic, but my physical health is...well, the opposite of that.

How do you remain disciplined with health and weight loss while putting forth a lot of effort in other areas as well? Did it take you a long time to get to that point? And are there any strategies you used to make healthy choices less difficult to make? Thank you for your input!

submitted by /u/JazzlikeDeer
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