I’ve been losing weight since June of last year. I went from 170lbs to 134lbs at my lowest, and was very happy with my progress, but wanted to lose another 5 or 10 pounds as I still had some belly fat. As usual, holiday season came around and I indulged. Whatever. I’m not going to not enjoy Thanksgiving or Christmas. Ever since then I’ve lost the discipline and consistency I had throughout those first few months. I’d go on 2 or 3 day binges that just completely sabotaged the progress I made through that week and more. It’s now almost March, and I’ve transferred schools. The workload is stressing me out big time, and I’m doing everything I can to get ahead so I can go to the gym and get some relief for a while. But I haven’t been in two weeks, and the deadlines just never stop. I’m eating like crap because of it. I’m now up to 146lbs, with sporadic binges throughout January and this month. I’m currently on a 4 day streak of eating out and not sticking to weight loss. I can see myself losing grasp, but I keep telling myself that this is the last day. I’m disappointed in myself because I was so close. I don’t know if I’m writing this for encouragement, or for the fact that I want to feel held accountable before I decide to walk five feet to the left and shove my face just for the sake of it.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/fa5dzw/im_losing_grasp/
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