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Weight Loss for Everyone: Did any of you have skin or nerve problems when overweight?

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Did any of you have skin or nerve problems when overweight?

I’ve been dealing with some rather uncomfortable skin and nerve problems over the years. I can remember having them as young as early high school (I’m 30 now) but it’s when I started drinking regularly and putting on weight that they became much worse.

I’m now very sensitive to touch and temperature and have uncomfortable sensations such as tingling often. My skin (especially my scalp) gets dry and itchy very easily. I am also sensitive to pain. For example if I scratch an itch on my arm it causes a deep ache. All this makes me very anxious of my surroundings. It makes taking showers, getting changed ect. uncomfortable.

I suspect being overweight may be a factor...but who knows. I have quit drinking and seen very little improvement in my symptoms. I have seen multiple doctors but they all just blame it on anxiety.

Can anyone relate to what I’m experiencing?

submitted by /u/ExplosiveTumbleweed
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