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Weight Loss for Everyone: Just two things that really helped me on my journey - Hoping it might help someone else

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Just two things that really helped me on my journey - Hoping it might help someone else

Hello people,

Thought I'd share what has helped me overcome a few issues on my weight loss journey but before I start I'll give you a quick run down of the progress so far. When I started I was 17 .7 Stone (247lbs) and after falling off many bandwagons and being annoyed and disappointed with myself I kept going - I now weigh 12.6 Stone (176lbs) and this means I am at a healthy weight for a 25 year old 6'1 male.

First thing's first I got my diet in place, this is the easy part - the issue, like so many other people have was sticking to it for a longer period of time. A few days in and everything is going great and then I'd find myself with an empty pizza box or diving into a tub of ice cream at the weekend. Then comes the self hatred as I convince myself everything was for nothing and 'I'll never shift this weight'. Rinse and repeat.

The biggest thing that helped me was being realistic with myself. This was massive. If I was going to a party I wasn't going to set myself up for disappointment by trying to convince myself 'I'll only have 1 or 2 drinks'. FORGET THAT. I was there to enjoy myself and enjoy myself I shall - I'll eat and drink as much as I want and have a great time doing so. I won't feel great the next day but that's part of it - I'll go again. Being realistic with myself meant I could enjoy things like Christmas, Birthdays and other plans a lot more - In a way it meant I was no longer afraid of screwing up completely.

Secondly, I was never one to take progress pictures because I was embarrassed of what I saw in the mirror but I regret not taking a before picture. One day I got my shirt off and took a picture. Done. That easy. I told myself 'in two weeks time I'm going to take another one'. I was so damn motivated to look my best I could for the next picture it was unreal, I was a man on a mission. All of a sudden it was so much easier to turn down chocolates and fast food because 'That won't make me look good in two weeks time'. Then in two weeks time I'd take another one and go again. Seriously, try it. Set yourself mini goals, it's a marathon not a sprint after all.

I still reward myself, I mean just last night after my latest progress pic I ordered a pizza. Only this time it's not like the other times, I don't sit here calling myself a failure and neither should you. Enjoy it like you're meant to. There is so much more I want to say but I don't want to bore you.

You can do it, I am rooting for you.

submitted by /u/addtobasket
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