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Weight Loss for Everyone: I was told by the gym I just joined to lose weight that I'm too heavy to use the treadmills here, thereby defeating the purpose of why I joined. Should I get my money back or do something else, since I won't be able to achieve my original goals now?

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

I was told by the gym I just joined to lose weight that I'm too heavy to use the treadmills here, thereby defeating the purpose of why I joined. Should I get my money back or do something else, since I won't be able to achieve my original goals now?

Hi. I'm not a regular user of this sub. I just joined a new gym here in South Korea. It is a normal fitness gym. Before this, both back at home in the US and here, I did kickboxing and MMA. I hate the idea of fitness/cardio gyms because they're pointless for what you're paying for and you could just jog or ride a bike, the latter of which I've already done for years now. I even bought a new mountain bike when I arrived here and use it regularly as my main source of transportation. I'd just jog, but there's holes, broken gravel, and unattentive people everywhere in this neighborhood, making it difficult. And I quit my kickboxing gym because it's clear across town and was extremely inconvenient to get to, even by bike, especially with their limited schedule that clashed with my work schedule. It couldn't be more out of the way, but was the most affordable gym in the city and the trainer was fluent in English. Had I lived closer and he didn't have hours almost exactly the same as my job, I'd have loved going there. But for $150 a month, going all the way across town for one hour on a Saturday wasn't worth it.

So I joined a fitness gym again since leaving Planet Fitness four years ago. My goal is to lose 100 pounds of belly fat and overall be healthier and happier. I don't know if it matters or not, but I also have had hypothyroidism for a long time now. And yes, I know about the diet aspect as well. I paid about $360 for a yearly membership because I was that committed to it. But when I started today, I was told by the same guy who signed me up that his boss said I was too heavy for the treadmills. STEX treadmills. I've never been "too heavy" for treadmills before, and I doubt that's true. But he said it was his boss' call. I came here to lose weight. This defeats the whole purpose on a $360 membership. If I can't lose weight/belly fat, I feel like there's no point of me being here. My ideal weight is 215-230 pounds with muscle. That means losing around 100 pounds. The trainer tried to say I could use their other options, like yoga class, free weights, or the pointless exercise bike, but what the hell good is that going to do me? I'm kinda pissed, to be honest. They said nothing before I signed up about this. And it's a pretty small gym. They only have treadmills, bikes, weight equipment, fourteen weight machines, a yoga/Zumba room, and two locker rooms. That's it.

I feel like there's no point in me being here if I'm not "allowed" to do any cardio here. I came here to lose weight, but am told I exceed the weight limit for a standard treadmill, the kind I've jogged on plenty of times before in the past. I already don't like the idea of fitness gyms and find them a chore to go to, as opposed to a skill-building place, like kickboxing, but this is the closest gym to my apartment complex and the only one not out of the way. But I doubt I can achieve my weight loss goals here if I'm not allowed to do any cardio because I'm "too heavy" for a regular treadmill according to the boss. I can either A) get a full refund and never return, B) get six months refunded and stay for six months, or C) stay here for the full year with the gift of unlimited guest passes (not that my already-skinny friend would ever make time out of her day to come to a gym).

I'm here now, not using the treadmills I paid to come here for to lose weight. There's really no other purpose of me being here since I can't use the treadmills and thus, can't slim down to my target weight. But I'm not a fitness lover, so what do I know? What do you think I should do regarding this? Get a refund or something else? Thanks.

Edit: After an hour here, I have nothing to show for it. No progress. Nothing accomplished. So I really don't think it's worth being here if I won't be able to lose weight/fat.

submitted by /u/Mcheetah2
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