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Weight Loss for Everyone: Is OMAD a healthy relationship with food?

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Is OMAD a healthy relationship with food?

Hi! I have regained all the weight I’ve lost unfortunately during covid lockdown as I abandoned cico and omad and had a free for all.

I followed both CICO and OMAD the first time I lost weight, with exceptions to special occasions of course.

I have a ginormous appetite and if I eat smaller portions I just stay hungry and think about food, whereas when I eat my one meal I feel satiated and don’t think about food again until the next day when it’s time to eat again. Maybe that’s just my inner cavewoman that loves to eat as much as possible at one time lol

Is it true that your stomach stretches to a smaller size if you eat smaller portions? If I do OMAD am I just destined to have a stretched stomach and giant appetite?

It worked really well for me previously, and I’m ready to do it again I just want to make sure I’m not doing any long term damage.

submitted by /u/simssince2000
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