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Weight Loss for Everyone: You Can Still Celebrate Progress Even If You Go Over Your Calories

Saturday, January 30, 2021

You Can Still Celebrate Progress Even If You Go Over Your Calories

I have had an on and off again relationship with calorie counting. I always knew it was necessary to losing weight but would also get extremely discouraged if I over ate or just ate 'bad' food, and would completely give up. If I caved and drank a soda with lunch, I would then give myself a free pass to eat whatever I wanted and not track anything, because in my mind my day was already 'ruined' by drinking that soda. Then my whole week was 'ruined' because I ate poorly that day, and so on and so forth.

Well, earlier this month I decided to get back on the horse and start trying to lose weight again, with the added stipulation that I would track every day and track everything I ate and drank, no matter what. Today was the first day I really fell off the wagon. I woke up and ate some frozen Taquitos. Then I ate Fritos. Then my husband and I went out for dinner and I did NOT choose a healthy meal choice and we got appetizers. The result was an excess of about 1800 calories, which is a lot.

But you know what? I still only had two servings of Taquitos, when previously I would have eaten the whole box. I only ate two servings of Fritos when previously I would have eaten the whole bag. At dinner, I got the diet soda instead of the regular soda. And my coffee now only has 40 calories per cup, when previously I was using over 100 calories of cream and sugar per cup.

All of that is to say, it is super easy to get discouraged when you don't meet your goals or you eat too many calories in a day. However, when that happens it is important to recognize and appreciate the progress you have made so far and realize that you are still doing better than you were BEFORE you started trying to change. In my case today, I massively went over my calories. But prior to dilligently tracking, I would have over eaten by 3000+ calories instead of 1800 calories, so I still progress! And tomorrow, I have the opportunity to make better choices and make more progress.

submitted by /u/UnamusedKat
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