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Weight Loss for Everyone: Is it normal for my weight to fluctuate this much daily?

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Is it normal for my weight to fluctuate this much daily?

I am 5'2 and 169-176 lbs That seems to be my current morning vs night weight. I feel like my weight has always fluctuated and anytime I really try to eat ENOUGH but not too much, I keep sticking around the same weight. So I have been obsessive about logging my calories and weight. I never count my excersize against my calories, but my calorie goal is to stay under 1300, calories a day. Anytime I count a food, I lean towards the heaviest possibly calorie count. And I count every food. Using this week For example if I fuck up and eat some goldfish I count it as at least a whole serving size. If I eat a bite of chicken curry, I count it as a double serving of the highest calorie chicken curry I can find. I noticed that my daily calories are below 500 but I've been seeing nothing. I STAY around the same weight with that extreme daily fluctuatuon. Meanwhile my parter eats 3000+ calories a day. Works out less than me and seems to steadily lose weight. I'm also cooking for the both of us and its killing me.

submitted by /u/BoneMeatFeels
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