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Weight Loss for Everyone: Finally getting my periods back ! Secondary Amenorrhea almost beat !

Friday, January 1, 2021

Finally getting my periods back ! Secondary Amenorrhea almost beat !

Jesus christ after 6 months of having zero periods, having huge mood swings and spiraling pretty badly because of my health, I FINALLY FEEL MY HORMONAL SYSTEM AGAIN. I’ve been having huge crampes and I’m breaking out (acne). I’ve lost about 55 pounds and I was very scared of having to wait an entire year to get my periods back because of secondary amenorrhea and all the risks with osteoporosis. I honestly felt like shit, Idk why but I feel like it impacted me a lot to not have a break in the month like everyone. I had to keep going on and on and on and work out and calculate and I couldn’t relate to other girls of my age. It was pretty hurtful. My libido died, it was very depressing. Its feels like you are broken and professional are trying their best but they’re lost too. But since I’ve switched to maintenance and enjoyed the holidays (I’m finally eating a balanced diet + enough fats!! thank u salmon) I’ve had PMS this morning which I can clearly tell apart from simple bloating, and my tummy do be hurting, but it’s a nice surprise for 2021. My activity level is much more intense on some days but I listen to my body whenever I’m too lazy lol, no more pressure, just pure enjoyment and so far I’ve been super active. I wished for health and happiness for the new year, seems like one is going pretty well already :) Wish you the best y’all, got some hope for 2021 !

submitted by /u/Ufeen
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