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Weight Loss for Everyone: Fell off the wagon big time over Christmas

Friday, January 1, 2021

Fell off the wagon big time over Christmas

So I’m actually quite disappointed in myself, I planned to only really cheat on Christmas Day itself but it started with take out on 23rd December and just kind of hasn’t stopped since then. I think it’s mostly because we’ve had so much Christmas food as gifts (chocolates, cheese, wine etc) and it’s all just been there. I’ve been finding it easy to resist those foods when they’re not in the house and don’t really buy them or buy them in small quantities but this past week I’ve just regressed into old habits. I’ve not tracked my calories and eaten mindlessly and when I haven’t actually been hungry. Pretty annoyed as I thought I was making progress on my bad eating habits during the last 3 months and I feel like I still don’t have control like I thought I did.

I have been purposely avoiding calorie contents on food items so I can remain blissfully ignorant to what I’m putting on my body and have somehow gained 6 (!!) lbs in 8 days. It feels super excessive and I haven’t been literally eating nonstop for 8 days. I usually eat around 1200 cals a day and run or walk most days but I estimate I’ve been eating and drinking maybe around 3k maximum a day with long walks some days and no exercise others. I’m hoping some of it is bloating/water weight but who knows?

Anyway I’m feeling super sluggish and just kinda ill after eating junk for like a week straight. Definitely getting back to it tomorrow but can’t help feeling crappy about my complete loss of self control over the past week. Feel like I’ve undone a lot of progress (had previously lost around 30lbs since the end of Sept). Oh well, enough feeling sorry for myself and onwards and upwards I guess! Good luck to everyone starting their journey or jumping back on the wagon after the festive period.

submitted by /u/fantababy9
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