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Weight Loss for Everyone: Finally, sub 90 kg!!! Lost 15 kgs! 9 more to go!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Finally, sub 90 kg!!! Lost 15 kgs! 9 more to go!

Glad that I am not 104 kg anymore. I feel much fitter, and more attractive, which is good for my confidence. Though in this same period I learned that my confidence mainly should come from other sources, such as knowing that I am valuable as a person by default, not based on what I do, look like, etc. And living in a positive way, from my heart, believing that I am stronger than I think, and that there out of love that I feel for life and my fellow humans! :)

However, still it is nice to be quite a bit lighter. And that I am more than 60% towards the end, I can start counting down instead of up now! Only 9 kgs to go, which I expect to be off within two months! :)

submitted by /u/astraborealis
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