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Weight Loss for Everyone: Anyone who has lost 100+ pounds, how does exercise feel different?

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Anyone who has lost 100+ pounds, how does exercise feel different?

Is it true that if your endurance/stamina is built up when you’re obese that you’ll have remarkable endurance/stamina when you’re much lighter?

I heard about someone today who used to weigh 360 pounds when he started a martial arts class. That it was extremely difficult at first but built up his stamina/endurance while still being in the 300’s range to the point where he was more athletic than his size lead on (although he still paled in comparison to his classmates). And that once he got down to 190, his endurance and stamina were unmatched by nearly all his fellow martial art mates who all used to be much more athletic than him when he was obese.

Does this actually happen? Has it happened to you?

submitted by /u/IAmAlexRamos
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