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Weight Loss for Everyone: How do I even start losing weight?

Monday, March 1, 2021

How do I even start losing weight?

F20 here. I’ve been about 180-220 lbs for about 3 years. I seem to take 2 steps forward, one step back when it comes to weight loss. I’ll lose 20, gain back 25. Lose 10, gain back 15.

I have a lot of food based anxiety I’ve recently come to terms with as I was hospitalized for anorexia in my teens. I gained a bunch of weight in the last three years and haven’t seemed to be able to lose it sustainability without trying fad diets or starving myself, I love to cook and I’m good at it, however I work shift work and find it very hard to cook all these meals and not be exhausted. If I’m tired I will order out no hesitation.

I’d love to work out but I don’t enjoy it, and I work a job on my feet 9 hours a day, full time, and don’t know how to fit those in.

My boyfriend and I are to a point where we know we need to start taking the weight loss seriously. I weighed in at 230 this morning and it kicked for me. However, I don’t know where to begin. Any advice would be seriously appreciated.

submitted by /u/sscovtt
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