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Weight Loss for Everyone: Handling attention as you lose weight

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Handling attention as you lose weight

I (19F) have lost around 10kg in a year, starting at 78kg and I’m now at 68kg, which is still more than I should be weighing at 160cm, but still is quite a lot with most of the weight being lost in the last month and a half or so. I’ve always been pretty, but no one has ever really noticed because I was overweight and that sort of “invalidated” my prettiness. This has always been kind of perfect for me because I love being invisible and people not really seeing me, idk why. Last week was my sister’s wedding and I got a dress made for it, and I looked great if I do say so myself, really skinny and in general very good looking. It has been SO uncomfortable for me to be seen and for people to compliment me all the time. I KNOW THIS SOUNDS AWFUL. IM AWARE. it’s not an issue really. It’s such a good thing and I love feeling pretty. But instead of making me more confident it has made me more self conscious. It’s as if people were really looking at me before and noticing me, noticing how fat I was, and are now like surprised that I look this good. It pisses me off because I feel bad for myself a year ago, no one liked me then because of my weight. And now that people are noticing I want to retreat back into my shell and never go out again. Has anyone struggled w this as well? Any advice?

submitted by /u/briellalala732
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