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Weight Loss for Everyone: How Can I Help My Food-Insecure Overeating Boyfriend?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

How Can I Help My Food-Insecure Overeating Boyfriend?

My boyfriend (31M) is the most wonderful man— sweet, hardworking, and positive. He’s struggled with his weight for most of his life. I believe at his peak, he weighed over 300 pounds; when we met, he was under 230, and for the past several years, he’s been stuck around 260.

His situation is a bit unusual. He grew up in a working-class Italian family, and he’s told me many times that if he didn’t race to “claim” and finish food, his siblings would eat it and there wouldn’t be any left for him.

I’ve read a bit about emotional eating, but I don’t think he’s a typical case. He hardly ever snacks between meals and he doesn’t linger over food. Instead, he eats as much as he can in under 10 minutes, and then doesn’t eat at all until the next mealtime. He loves “indulgent” foods and says he thinks about food for most of the day. I think food is emotional for him in the sense that it’s extremely rewarding and it’s what he derives the most pleasure from. The prospect of eating large amounts seems intoxicating to him, like a high. He’s always in a great mood before and during meals.

He has a stable, well-paying job and any food insecurity is long in his past.

When he lost a large amount of weight years ago, he did super strict CICO (weighing his food) and eating the exact same thing most days. He is a fastidious person and can be obsessive in his thinking. I’m hesitant to encourage that level of restrictive dieting because it’s not sustainable and created the yo-yo situation he’s in now, IMO.

Does anybody have suggestions or resources?

submitted by /u/farrahpy
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