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Weight Loss for Everyone: I did not want this to be my next post

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

I did not want this to be my next post

(mobile so formatting may not be optimal).

I am writing this in the middle of the night after what I can only describe as a binge on candy and crisps. I really, desperately, wanted my next post on here to detail my success. To tell you all what I did and how and make my own post detailing what I've learned and what changed. I've written it in my head at least 40 times. But here I am, I'm not doing well and I needed to air this out and maybe get some advice.

I've been losing since September last year. I use CICO and it went well. I worried (and still worry) about the particularities of my belly fat but there is change. I am about 3.5 kilos from my goal weight. After adjusting once again for weight lost, my allowed calories got much lower. This is very hard as I rely on the stability of 3 meals a day and 1 meal a day is not made by me which means I cannot alter the calories. The task seemed impossible, still does. It triggered a response in me to completely stop counting. I did start exercising more as well recently and the past month/2 months I've (thankfully) maintained.

But I've been slipping. And now with stress added and the feeling that I will never be able to lost those last few kilos, my snacks are becoming more frequent and unhealthier. It feels horrible. And I don't mean just emotionally. My body is rejecting the amount and kinds of food and I feel physically sick and I hate it.

So this is me telling myself that I do have to get out of this binge relapse kinda thing. That I need to think before I eat. That I need to supply my body with the things that make it happy. And healthy. That make me feel better so I can better handle the days ahead.

I'm not really asking for anything with this post, advice is always helpful (and reassurance that I have not forever fucked up my life as well ;)). Any advice is welcome really. I do have one specific question for anyone who actually ends up reading this: could a period of not restricting calories per se but focusing primarily on eatinh healthy foods pull me out of this enough to get back on track? Has anyone tried that?

Thanks for any possible replies and thanks to anyone who actually read this at all!

submitted by /u/Awkward_Garlic
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