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Weight Loss for Everyone: Depression, Injuries, & Weight Gain

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Depression, Injuries, & Weight Gain

Hi everyone,

I don't have anyone in my immediate life other than my girlfriend that has been trying to help me live a better life. I figured reddit is a nice "safe space" to find unique feedback.

Long story short - I experienced a major knee injury 5 years ago, rehabbed, became slowly active again, and re-injured again in 2019. It's taken a toll on my mental health because it took away a sport I loved, which also was my main choice for fitness. It was also a huge blow considering how hard I worked and had to sacrifice during the rehab process.

I made an honorable effort to live a healthier lifestyle during 2020 by cutting off alcohol (slowly decreased intake ---> 6 months sober now) and decreased my cannabis consumption. I do consume coffee every morning to stay effective for work and do my best to limit the amount of sugar intake, some days are difficult due to stress. (cake, soda, lots of chocolate, pastries)

I also managed to workout consistently for a couple months up until I caught Covid in the winter and haven't gone back since starting my new job. My workouts consisted of bike rides (12-18 miles 1-2x) and light upper body workouts only (3-4x).

I've tried every type of diet available and can't seem to find consistency in anything. Whether it was intermetent fasting, making meal prep, cutting out carbs (rice/noodles/bread), buying meal prep services, portioning my meals. I always end up binging after a certain period of time or begin treating myself when life gets tough.

Fitness wise, I've lost all motivation to remain active because of how I feel when I try to workout. I feel like I plateou easily overall. As of right now, my knee is still injured and I try my best to be cautious in re-aggravating it (ACL/MCL tear). Frankly, I enjoy cardio much more than weight lifting so doing anything else is painful mentally.

I'm just trying to live a healthier life this year. I can really notice my weight gain and want to take action but i'm just overwhelmed at where to start. I'm in my late 20s and considered overweight by research. I have gained 25-30lbs since injuring my knee 5 years ago.

I used to go to the gym 6 days a week, play sports almost every other day, and felt amazing everyday. I know my declining mental health is the lack of all the above.

I appreciate you if you've read this far. If you have any opinions, suggestions, advice, etc. I sincerely appreciate it. I will do my best to apply anything shared on here into my life.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/unkwnr
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