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Weight Loss for Everyone: Does anyone else struggle with all or nothing thinking when it comes to healthy choices and losing weight?

Friday, March 26, 2021

Does anyone else struggle with all or nothing thinking when it comes to healthy choices and losing weight?

I’m a perfectionist. It’s really bad. What I do is either perfect or it’s trash, and oftentimes the path to a healthier lifestyle is not that black and white. It’s not black and white at all actually, but you know what I’m getting it.

I’ll start eating healthy and working out, counting my calories, and then I have a bad meal or a bad day and I just fall off the wagon completely because “I ruined the whole thing” and I have to start over but get it right this time. I know, I KNOW, that this is super distorted thinking, but I can’t seem to get past this at all. This mindset is affecting all areas of my life, and I am seeing a counselor for it because I’m honestly making myself miserable. I can’t even be happy with my As at school because I could have done even better. How? I don’t know, but nothing is ever good enough.

But I’ll get to the point, have any of you struggled with this as well? Do you have any tips on what helped? I’m so tired of constantly “failing” because of my insane and impossible to reach standards on what losing weight should be like.

Like I said, I’m working on this with a counselor (although we’re mostly focusing on how it affects other areas of my life right now, I’m falling apart due to school and work stress that I’m causing for myself), but hearing how you might have tackled this particular issue could be really helpful! Maybe you journaled? Tracked your progress in ways that aren’t so black and white (like the number on the scale going down)?

submitted by /u/shybird
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