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Weight Loss for Everyone: I want to gain weight, boyfriend wants to lose (in quarantine) - advice?

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

I want to gain weight, boyfriend wants to lose (in quarantine) - advice?

I don't know if this is exactly the right place to ask, but I hoped maybe I could get some advice for this problem. Basically, for most of my life I was bordering underweight and have had to consciously work at maintaining a healthy weight. I've managed to gain and keep on about 15 pounds since being underweight, but I still want to gain a bit more and maintain it. The problem is, my boyfriend is overweight (and has gained a bit since quarantine) and would like to get back down to his pre-2020 weight and more.

But it's really hard to do this despite us needing to eat fairly similar amounts to meet our goals. I tend to buy a lot of higher calorie snacks for myself (nothing unhealthy, but things like hummus and pretzels, nuts, and other things to dip/easily snack on), and this often temps my boyfriend to eat some as well. But I have less of an appetite so I will cease eating sooner, and he won't. I feel bad having snacks for myself; if it weren't for me needing to eat a lot to maintain my weight I would just not keep many of them around. I don't really like the idea of having "my own" foods either, so if he wants some of mine I will share (I usually do the grocery shopping so I buy him lighter snacks as well).

I used to buy protein shakes and foods to eat at school but I've been working/studying from home since early last year, so it's not possible to really eat without him being around, and I know it's always a temptation for him when I do.

I really want to support him through this, but it's really hard in general when we are literally always home and live in the smallest apartment with the kitchen just a few steps away at any point. I should also mention my bf is currently suffering from what is likely long covid, so he cannot do any cardio exercise to offset his eating.

Any advice on this?

submitted by /u/MrSaturnZoomMeeting
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