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Weight Loss for Everyone: Just (beyond) frustrated

Friday, August 27, 2021

Just (beyond) frustrated

So I am doing a lot. I know I am. I'm trying to get in shape to go back into the military, but I am stuck at 270lbs (28m). I haven't gained weight in about 3 months, but I haven't lost any either. I eat pretty good, I lift better, my run is terrible but we will see how these new shoes work out., but nothing is happening weight wise. My measurements are ok right now but they're not changing either. I was eating WAAAYYYY under my TDEE for a long time, tried every crash diet I could, so maybe I just fucked my body up. On top of this, I am trying to work hard at my job, which involves multiple stints of sitting in a car throughout the day.

So that's where I am at, I've to date lost 30lbs from last year, but I could stand to lose some more. I don't know how much more because I am probably one of those for real powerlifting dudes that should just stay big. I am just frustrated because I know I can do it but my body is fucking me and its shaking my resolve. My wife is even becoming skeptical. I don't want to quit. I don't want to accept defeat but I legitimately feel like I am getting close to where I have to say that I did my best. Which in turn is counterintuitive because I feel like I haven't don't my best.

I feel like I am missing something and I am not quite sure what. I eat right, I cut out sugars, I don't eat out as much, I make sure my macros are ok, I am working out at least 5 days per week, I am drinking water, I am getting at least 7hrs of sleep. I just don't know what else and it doesn't help that none of my friends or family are fitness or nutrition minded, save my wife who is having her own struggles with having not lost any weight in 4 months of diet and exercise.

I'm just lost and I feel like I am trapped in an unwinnable situation. I just needed to let this out and see if I can get any ideas. Hopefully this doesn't get deleted.

submitted by /u/MonstrousMeerkat
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