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Weight Loss for Everyone: I need to lose weight because of health issues that came after covid but my mother keeps trying to sabotage me

Saturday, August 28, 2021

I need to lose weight because of health issues that came after covid but my mother keeps trying to sabotage me

I was always overweight but I never had a problem with it. Currently I am a 22 yo F who weights 214lbs (97kg) and is 5'6ft (1,7m) tall.

Never cared much about my weight but after I had covid I developed a syndrome that makes me faint and found out I have 3 other issues: celiac disease which is allergy and intolerance to gluten (that I probably had since I was a kid but it used had silent symptoms, now they are LOUD), moderate hepatic steatosis (fat in my liver) and enanthematous pangastritis (basically I destroyed my stomach and it hates me with a burning passion).

Now, because of the syndrome that makes me faint, I need to exercise in order to prevent fainting and because of the other 3 issues I need to change my diet.

I was mostly always a person with a sedentary lifestyle who never cared about what I put on my plate and the consequences of this lifestyle came after covid and since then I have been hospitalized 2 times already this year (first time because of a blood clot related to covid that almost killed me and second time because of the issues I mentioned earlier) and I don't want to be hospitalized again. So basically this year has been a reality check for me.

After realizing I can't run away from this situation and I need to make changes in my lifestyle, I joined a gym, contacted a nutricionist and have been under medication to help me get over all the pain and nausea I feel and it has been really hard to me but I didn't expect anything different, I am just suffering the consequences of my actions.

I obviously had to change my diet. I didn't start to try to lose weight right away so at first I didn't count calories. First I changed what I ate to foods that wouldn't hurt my stomach and to gluten free foods that wouldn't hurt my whole body. This was a huge step for me and I learned that I am an extremely undisciplined person but every time I slipped out my diet, the consequences would come fast as a lightning and I would spend my day on my bad crying over the constant pain and nausea.

Until then my mother was a supportive person. She was actually happy that I would need to lose weight because since I became obese at my 13 years old, she started to pest me about my body image and would start fights over me being overweight. She would always compare me to herself and talk about how she fought her weight her whole life and how I should do the same. To be honest she did a good damage to me, of course my weight isn't her fault but when I was a kid whenever I cried or felt bad, my mother would give me candy to calm me down and this escalated in a way that when I feel anxious or depressed I will go try to find comfort in food, so her constantly screaming about what I eat was actually making me eat more instead of helping me. Yet, I still recognize that the way I reacted to all times my mother yelled at me about my body image was completely my choice and I could have chosen to simply try to lose weight before.

About 2 weeks ago I started to count my calories to really start to lose weight and that's when the issue started... My mother suddenly started to bring home delicious yet very caloric gluten free food and when I refused to eat she would guilt trip me talking about how expensive gluten free food can be and how I should enjoy it with everyone. She knows I am trying to lose weight and knows that I am trying to eat less calories, yet she keeps bringing over caloric food and telling me to eat it... and then I confronted her today and she got PISSED. She said she won't restrain herself from bringing home anything SHE wants to eat because of me and that I should be more disciplined. She also said she can accept a "no" from me when I don't want to eat the food she brings home, if that was the case I would have never confronted her. My mother also thinks she needs to lose weight yet she brings home caloric food, eats it and makes me feel bad if I don't do the same.

I really don't get her. She knows I am struggling with all this because it was really sudden. I found out I have so many health issues in the span of 6 months (from January to June) and changing 22 years of poor life choices is not easy, guys.

Currently I need to lose 56lbs (25kg) and I was counting on having support at least at the place where I live, but I don't think that is the case anymore...

So that's it, that's my rant and also my first post in reddit. I hope you guys can understand me well, as I am not a native English speaker.

Have any of you ever went through something like this? If so, let me know.

Also, are there any tips to how I should deal with this? I am not gonna lie, I am a person with low motivation. I know losing weight is about discipline, but I was living in a deep comfort zone and was suddenly kicked out of it and changing my mind and my daily choices has been a real battle, but I wanna do this. I am really scared of how badly I mistreated my body and I know I need to change myself because otherwise I might actually die way sooner then I should.

submitted by /u/PipocaSupremacy
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