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Weight Loss for Everyone: I’ve almost lost 100lbs! :D

Friday, August 27, 2021

I’ve almost lost 100lbs! :D

Okay I was going to make this my very first post here once I actually hit the 100 mark but I’m impatient so here I am lol. I’m 7 pounds away from having lost 100lbs! And I’m not longer obese!

Also I’ve been in physics therapy a year now for a rare disease. I went from a red stretch band to blue since I started. I’m able to go hiking now! Not far but farther than my alcoholic dad!

My starting weight was 280lbs at 23 years old (female-I’m 25 now). I lost the first half a year ago (or more) through calorie cutting alone. I don’t diet. I just cut the calories necessary. I do try to eat better but slowly in a way more realistic-treating healthy eating and weight loss as two separate journeys. Although I did go vegan and that was hard. Obviously I kept that weight off.

Then after getting my put on your blind folds boys lol polycystic ovary syndrome okay boys it’s over, you don’t have to be afraid of the o word anymore treated with a combo of birth control and metformin (for the insulin resistance) I lost the other half-and it was much easier. I felt way less out of control. I felt like there was still a reasonable effort required but I didn’t feel like it was borderline impossible anymore.

My goal is to be model skinny. Controversial as it is I want to note I do not have an eating disorder. Also I’m not doing it for society or men or all that. I genuinely think skinny girls are beautiful. It’s my own personal opinion. And I want to look in the mirror and love myself. I see doctors and psychiatrists regularly so if something does go wrong like an eating disorder develops or maybe just plain health problems in general it will be caught and I will stop what I’m doing.

My skin does not appear loose except on my boobs a little (only noticeable to me I’m sure) but I plan to get them lifted anyways so no biggie. Stretch marks are faded but obviously still there. But faded vs red is still a huge difference in appearance. Oh well it happens when you get pregnant anyways. Might as well learn to live with it.

If any mods find the weight goal thing triggering and would like me to a) delete or b) put a warning just say so and I will. I wasn’t sure though since some places are anti trigger warnings and I didn’t want to cause trouble. And I also wasn’t sure if it even was triggering.

submitted by /u/Thinly_Veiled_69
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