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Weight Loss for Everyone: Massive non-scale victory with food (TW: binge eating disorder, depression)

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Massive non-scale victory with food (TW: binge eating disorder, depression)

I used to want to transition into a mostly plant-based diet, but it was torture because I was struggling with severe BED, food-obsessed, and felt like giving up a food or even reducing it was like giving up thousands of dollars. I now* actually wanted to start eating beans for both lunch and dinner most days because it helps with my depression! I used to think eating mostly plants made my depression worse, but now my mind reacts more to the natural mood-boosting chemicals in food more than dopamine from eating foods I shouldn’t have too much of.

This is so exciting! I had to research nutrition a lot, in addition to breaking down ED barriers, to get here. I will eat foods other than beans, not just beans—when I say “beans for lunch and dinner,” I mean that plus other nutritious foods, with beans as the base.

This is something I actually want to do, not a willpower-related goal that will go up in smoke. In the past, I never stuck to food plans, but I was in an addict mindset. Now I’m not, and I actually want to eat foods that make me feel good in the long run.

To clarify: I won’t be vegan. Veganism isn’t for me. I will eat small amounts of animal products in addition to mostly plants such as beans.

*Just tonight, that’s why I haven’t started yet. I didn’t fail at my plan!

submitted by /u/MusicallyMindful
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