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Weight Loss for Everyone: Is this really how moderation and weight loss works?

Monday, March 1, 2021

Is this really how moderation and weight loss works?

I’ve struggled with moderation for my entire life. I’m either a perfectionist or I don’t give a crap at all.

Today we were out with our boys and decided to grab Taco Bell. According to my mfp calculation I would readily consume my entire calorie allotment (1500) in one meal. Today I had fewer calories (450) for lunch at Taco Bell than I did yesterday when I ate my “healthy lunch” of a tofu scramble and salad.

I don’t feel sick or stuffed.. but I do feel so much anxiety.

It’s the same feeling that I had when I had a 150 calorie protein bar with my plain latte this afternoon.

Please tell me that a little bit of fast food or processed food won’t derail my efforts and keep me at this weight for my entire life so long that I stay under my calorie goal. I know plenty of people had to have achieved weight loss while moderating treats and fast food and processed foods. I feel like I just can’t convince myself that it’s okay. 🥺

ETA: I have been tracking for 3 weeks and have lost about 8 lbs. I eat a mostly whole foods, vegetarian diet. The anxiety drops up when I stray from my whole foods diet for something processed, even though it isn’t often. I feel like I’m going crazy because I can look at my mfp showing my weight loss and calories remaining and feel like a failure for having 450 cal of Taco Bell over 450 calories of beans and veggies, even though it’s maybe twice a week at most. I feel out of control it certain ways about labeling foods strictly as good or bad.

submitted by /u/caliberry1991
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