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Weight Loss for Everyone: I finally got all my Covid weight off!

Monday, March 1, 2021

I finally got all my Covid weight off!

I’m 6ft, 49F. I am no stranger to weight fluctuations. Before Covid I had gotten to my current weight (188) and felt I was making good progress to what my happy range is (165-175). As an emotional/stress eater who has battled my weight my whole life I’ve been all over the scale from the mid 300s to the 150s. I was feeling great about my weight progress pre-Covid. Then living alone, takeout became my only happiness and I gained 34 pounds in 6 months. In August, I woke up and realized I was hurting myself far more than the Covid situation was. I went back to weighing my food, tracking it all, sticking between 1600-1700 calories, and walking. It wasn’t super fast (27 weeks), but today I got the last of my Covid pounds off!

I still have 4 pounds to go to a normal BMI, 13 to the high end of my range and 23 to the low end, but I feel so good about undoing all that damage I did!

submitted by /u/ceecee1791
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