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Weight Loss for Everyone: Here are the lessons I've learned (many from you all) about the psychologically of overcoming fat as a defense mechanism.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Here are the lessons I've learned (many from you all) about the psychologically of overcoming fat as a defense mechanism.

Being thinner doesn't make me frail, weak, or vulnerable.

Being fat did not make me strong or safe.

My resilience does not lie in my skin, but in my heart.

Through being fat, I learned to detach my self-worth from others' opinions of my body.

I can keep doing that when I'm thin.

Through being fat, I learned that your body has no true bearing on your lovability.

Someone out there can love you at any size.

At any size, it is my choice to let them in.

Through being fat, I've seen that there's more to me than my appearance.

All the good qualities that I relied on to be likable when I was fat

still exist when I am smaller.

Being thin does not make me more subjected to toxic relationships or harmful self-talk.

My decisions do.

Through being fat and alone, I learned how to self-soothe

and depend on myself for joy and companionship.

I can keep doing that when I'm thin.

Shrinking back into an older, smaller size of body

is not an excuse for slipping into old toxic ways of thinking.

All the things I learned from being fat are still my lessons to hold.

At any size, I am still me.

submitted by /u/Hollyannlang94
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