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Weight Loss for Everyone: A year later and now 3 pictures

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A year later and now 3 pictures

Hey everyone again.

So exactly 1 year ago I made a post called 1 year, 40lbs down and swore I'd only take 2 pictures and I thought to myself, after the year that we've all had, I'd like to do a follow up.

Where should I begin... well a lot has happen to all of us in the last 365 days. We had to stop going out as much as we did, businesses closed their doors, our offices told us to work from home, our homes became our offices, and some of us haven't seen co-workers in almost a year. Through all this I learned quite a few things about myself.

1: I'm an extrovert and I need the energy of other people around me. This not seeing people or going out really took a toll on my mental health.

2: Long walks with my pup are a doable thing during lunch and a really good way for me to destress.

3: A lot of hard work went down the drain due to over eating and snacking because the kitchen is 15 feet away.

4: I love cooking now that I have more time for it and trying all new recipes from around the world. I've expanded my mid west pallet far beyond what I ever thought it could be.

I'm currently 157lbs which means I'm 2lbs away from my goal weight. Looking at my pictures I'm guessing some of that is muscle but still I kept at it and results are slow but they exist. I was scared to take a picture of myself this afternoon after looking in the mirror but in the end I thought this is life, my life and I am happy that I didn't slip complete back into old habits and back up to 200lbs. So here is my visual documentation of life. (NSFW Shirtless)

This part is for all of you reading this.

I am god damn proud of you all for keeping up with your routines, your awareness of lifestyle choices and dedication. Its been a nightmare of a year that most of us thought couldn't or wouldn't ever happen in our life time but you kept at it. Big victories and small they should all be celebrated. For those of you that fell on and off the wagon like myself through the roller coaster of our lives, its not to late and if you want to keep up for yourself I'm proud of you too. I'm no where near where I wanted to be and that's ok and I've become ok with that. Doesn't mean I'm not going to keep trying and I ask none of you to give up either.

Here's to the next 365 days.

If you made it this far thank you for reading. If you have questions, or anything, or want to share your side please do.

submitted by /u/Intheshadowlieshope
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