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Weight Loss for Everyone: Another 5lbs down! 30 lbs until I hit my goal.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Another 5lbs down! 30 lbs until I hit my goal.

Last summer I hit 213 on the scale at home. I'm not sure how accurate that scale really is, but all I really know is that at some point I weighed 200 lbs and now I weight 185. I've since had to move an got my own accurate scale. I know that at least I've lost a significant amount of weight because I've moved up about 3 or 4 belt notches and the pants I struggled to get into now are baggy.

I still do not look like the ideal version of myself and I'm having periodic setbacks, but the most important thing is that I feel healthy. My chest looks bigger from doing pushups, I've been jogging and my whole body just feels more youthful.

I would like to be making faster progress, but I'm prioritizing enjoying life over fast gains. Losing half a pound a week instead of a pound is okay if you're eating healthy and enjoying yourself.

That's enough patting myself on the back for now. Enjoy your day.

submitted by /u/Independent-Orchid93
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