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Weight Loss for Everyone: 26F, 5'3, 119lbs - Chloe Ting shred results

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

26F, 5'3, 119lbs - Chloe Ting shred results

I used to be (am?) an extremely lazy person when it came to physical fitness. Never ever in my 26 years of existence did I ever stick to a workout routine. I had great metabolism when I was younger that allowed me to eat a heck lot of crap and still look ‘slim.’ Everytime I would even try to get on the fitness track, I would often hear from my family “oh, but you’re so thin anyway!” that would lead me into a fall sense of complacency - as if that was the whole purpose of exercising anyway😒 However, I had zero stamina - so bad that even a 10 second run to get on the bus would get me panting.

Anyway, fast forward to: a gradually slowing metabolism with age, visible accumulation of fat on my waist, medical signs of high cholesterol, not feeling good about my body and QUARANTINE.

So I dragged myself to do the Chloe Ting two-week shred and boy, was it fucking hard. My results aren’t as magical as some YouTubers but HECK YES they’re still amazing for me!!! I lost 2 lbs (meh) buuut more importantly I lost some of the side fat across my waist which is precisely one of my problem areas! Still looking to shed off those love handles, though. And even though I still can’t go through the full-workout without taking breaks, I feel MUCH more stronger.

Next steps: I’m going to repeat this challenge and not half-arse those exercises like I did in the first round!

To anyone deliberating doing this program : GO FOR IT! Chloe Ting is the real deal. If someone as unfit and weak as me could finish it, so can you!!! It'll be hard, but it'll be worth it.

Day 1 versus Day 14

submitted by /u/illogico
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