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Weight Loss for Everyone: NSV & SV - Down 57 lbs, 30 more to go - I'm now Overweight, not Obese!!!! A long list of positive things/things that make me happy as a result of my weight loss.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

NSV & SV - Down 57 lbs, 30 more to go - I'm now Overweight, not Obese!!!! A long list of positive things/things that make me happy as a result of my weight loss.

I'm 21 years old, male, my height is 5'5. SW: 243 lbs. CW: 186 lbs. GW: 156 lbs.

So, today, I switched BMI categories. For most of my 21 year old life, I was obese. So much, in fact, that on January the 2nd, I weighed myself, and realized my BMI was 39, just barely below morbid obesity. That, along with many other factors, was the thing that made me decide to start a weight loss journey. 6 months after, I've lost 57 pounds so far, with 30 more to go.

There are so many things that are different now:

  • I'm no longer clinically obese for the first time in God knows how long. I've just gotten down to a 29.9 BMI probably for the first time in my life.
  • I can now see muscles and bones that used to be hidden behind layers of fat. I can feel my arm and leg muscles, and my collarbone. My fingers are so much skinnier.
  • My lovehandles are almost gone, as is my double chin.
  • My belly is pretty much flat right now.
  • My chest area fat has also reduced significatively.
  • Shirts I used to not fit into, now I fit into. Jeans I thought I'd NEVER fit into, I now fit into!
  • For the first time in my adult life, I can now buy non-plus sized jeans.
  • I think I'll now be able to wear the cosplays I wanted to! (Yes I'm a weeb lol)
  • I feel mentally stronger than before. The realization that I HAVE the strenght, willpower, focus and discipline to do this and probably some other things as well.
  • I'm overall in a better mood than before.
  • I changed my relationship with food for the better.
  • I discovered just how amazing it is to work out to my favorite music.
  • I discovered how amazing balsamic vinegar tastes. Seriously, that thing can make ANYTHING delicious.
  • I discovered I love whole-grain rice.
  • I now prefer Coke Zero to regular Coke, somehow. I've cutted down my consumption of Coke from once a week to twice a month, and switched regular for Zero. While it's not ideal, I could never stop drinking Coke altogether.
  • I'm having cravings for healthier food, like salads with whole-grain rice and different veggies.
  • My long hair looks even better on me now that my face is thinner.
  • Today, I discovered I can fit on a belt I love, on which I couldn't fit on for OVER 4 YEARS. 4 YEARS.
  • I'm feeling great about myself. I spent so long idealizing about losing weight, until I finally decided to do it, and I discovered it really wasn't that hard all along!

That's all I can think about right now, although I'm sure I could come up with some more later. I'm thrilled about this, and I'll post again once I reach another important milestone.

submitted by /u/CitiesofEvil
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