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Weight Loss for Everyone: Winding down

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Winding down

I am winding down the day and I feel great. In 2019 I lost 50 pounds calorie counting (including macros) and exercising. In 2020 life got weird and I completely fell out of routine and gained back around 20 pounds.

For months, I have been half-assing trying to get back to it. Counting a day here and there, “meal prepping” with shit I knew I didn’t want to eat and inevitably didn’t eat and just got fast food instead. A workout here and there. I recently started feeling shitty, headaches, dizzy spells, hungry all the time, tired all the time. Both my parents are diabetic so I made a doctors appointment and got some bloodwork done. Everything is normal. A1C, thyroid, all general bloodwork. Just borderline high cholesterol. In the moment I got those results I realized- the problem is me. I feel shitty because I’m treating myself shitty.

So, I pulled up MFP and I went through MONTHS of logs from 2019. I studied my own eating habits and decided the best way to start over is to just literally start over using my own success story as a guide. I picked some of my fave recipes and snacks and I went to the grocery store. I made dinner and meal prepped. I logged and weighed everything today, and then did it for tomorrow too and packed my breakfast and lunch to take to work with me. Then, despite it being nearly 100 degrees here today, I took a candle lit bubble bath and sat there almost enraged at myself for forgetting how important it is to take care of myself. It’s not enough to try in my head, I’m not an intuitive eater at all and for me to succeed I have to have the structure of weighing and logging and planning.

So hey r/loseit, I’m back at step one and I’m truly thrilled to be here. This is my vow to do what I know. It was almost like an adrenaline rush shopping, prepping, weighing, logging, cleaning. It came rushing back to me how good it feels to control my life and my health. If you made it this far, thanks for reading. This community was massively important to me the first time around so I’m here to lean on, encourage, and be encouraged by y’all again.

Edit: thanks kind stranger for the silver!

submitted by /u/luckylua
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