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Weight Loss for Everyone: Unhealthy relationship with healthy food

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Unhealthy relationship with healthy food

Have any of you been dieting for so long that you've started treating "healthy" foods as unhealthy because of your behavior and strictness?

I've succeeded in losing 220 lbs over 5 years by working out hard and volume eating even harder. I'm maintaining my weight of 230 lbs 18% BF but it's taking more mental effort than I expected.

I view nuts, quinoa, avocados, beans, hummus, oats, figs, mangos, salmon, starches and basically anything that has more calories than broccoli or fat free yogurt as wastefully calorically dense. I really want to consistently add these to my diet since I've reached my goal and I deserve it. Also, a diverse diet is the best for longevity.

The problem is that hummus and carrots become an unhealthy snack because I only know how to eat in volume and therefore I eat the entire container. It's easier for me to fast than to tease myself with appetizers (aka any meal that isn't measured in gallons).

I've had the volume eating habit for the 5 years and I'm annoyed that it doesn't work with a diverse diet. I'm annoyed that I don't eat cake nor cookies yet it's so easy to be unhealthy. I never wanted to be the hot guy that barely ate. I wanted to be the hot guy that eats like a king. Now even that's under attack. Most of all, I'm annoyed that the application of willpower never ends.

submitted by /u/roflcarrot
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