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Weight Loss for Everyone: Self-compassion is my only path forward

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Self-compassion is my only path forward

'Consistency is key'

How many times have we heard this when it come to exercise and diet?

This is what we're told but nobody teaches you how to be consistent.

I've recently started exercising and it's almost been a month now. I have the momentum to keep going.

I haven't pondered until now about why this time is different, but today it's become so clear to me that it's because I've learned self-compassion.

Self-compassion begets consistency. If I can't do a single push up I tell myself that's alright, scale to the knees and do what you can. If my body hurts I say that's okay, this is a new practice and maybe all you can do is a walk today. I am driven to exercise because of the mental clarity and peace I feel at the end of my workout, and I tell myself "I am proud of you." I am proud even when my workout lasts just 10 minutes, or even when I'm not able to do a certain movement.

I've finally relieved myself of unfair expectations that I should already be strong enough or why can't I just do x 'like everyone else.'

I didn't know when I learned self-compassion earlier this year (in a moment completely unrelated to weight loss) that it would help me with this goal today.

Life will throw shit your way. You will most certainly experience hardship, and from personal experience you can only make things harder when you shame yourself.

I hope you are proud of yourself today for trying, or even thinking about trying for your goal. The mere thought of trying is a bit of hope you've put in yourself, and if you foster that hope and protect it you will go farther than you think.

submitted by /u/makeup-waves
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