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Weight Loss for Everyone: How I lost 20kg in 6 months and where to go from here?

Thursday, August 26, 2021

How I lost 20kg in 6 months and where to go from here?

Hi All,

I'm new to this subreddit, however, thought this was the best place to post something like this. Feb 2020 I started my journey into weight loss. I'm 5'6 male who weighed in around 87 kg (191 pounds), I was unmotivated, unhappy and overall in bad health. In fact I think it was an article that was posted here in which my fitness journey began -

I began following the advice in this article, setting up an account on my fitness pal tracking my macros and daily calorie intake. I believe at the time i started on around 1900 calories with very minimal fats and higher carbs. Essentially, I cut out all the bad stuff, no more soda, no more pizza and McDonalds. I stuck to a strict diet which was varied with pasta, rices, meats and of course tuna as well as protein shakes. I began training 3 days a week, weight training + 20 mins of cardio each session, nothing to strenuous. However, I noticed immediate results, the weight began to drop off... at some parts I lost hope as my weight didn't move for a few weeks, however, it eventually came down with persistence.

Fast forward to August 2020 I was down 20kg, I started at 87kg and ended up on 67kg (149 pounds). However, I still count my macros and my calories. Still following the same article I was eating around 1490 calories a day at 67kg

Carbs - around 100g

Fats - around 70g

Protein - around 150g

I didn't always meet those goals, however, I was always below those macros and only really focused on meeting my protein.

Now I'm at a point where I wish to maintain my weight, unfortunately due to being in Australia and on lockdown the gyms are closed, therefore, my exercise is limited to push ups and walking. However, I wanted to learn how to maintain my weight as I noticed it was still coming down at around 66kg (145 pounds).

I found several posts on this subreddit about maintaining weight and using this website to calculate TDEE -

Inputing my data it came with 1880 calories in order to maintain and my macros to be

Protein - 137g

fat - 71g

Carbs - 161g

I'm almost worried that this is way more than I need to eat at my weight and I'm scared that if I do eat up to 1880 calories I will begin to put on weight, especially eating 161g carbs. Does anyone have any advice around maintaining weight, or even learning to eat without fearing I'm eating to much?

submitted by /u/Bananaking93
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