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Weight Loss for Everyone: How do I know if I am doing enough?

Monday, August 2, 2021

How do I know if I am doing enough?

I have been semi consistent with exercise 5/7 days of the week for a month and a half. My exercise routine is roughly moderate for 20-30 minutes and I am usually really sweaty and tired for about 20 minutes after. I haven't been able to adjust my diet because that is out of control in my current living situation (ie. I just eat what ever my family cooks and snack on what ever we have).

I haven't really noticed any results and I am a bit concerned and disheartened that I am not doing enough. I know that diet is super important but I will still hoping to see a little progress without being able to change my diet. Do people have any suggestions to improve or keep going :(

for note I am 5'9 Amab, and I weight roughly 270

submitted by /u/IDK_Maybe_
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