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Weight Loss for Everyone: Hitting rough patches.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Hitting rough patches.

So I recently hit a rough patch. My eating habits didn't change, so I wasn't eating any more/bad foods.

But my motivation for exercise declined somewhat, making it even more difficult to exercise and reach my full potential, push myself. So I decided to change it up a bit and set myself another task. Walk 100 miles in August. I'm just a few days off from achieving that goal and today I feel pretty energetic. I am now reviewing my exercises again and splitting them up throughout the day, meaning that it won't be so repetitive.

It feels like I've been standing still la bit, but at least I haven't been going backwards. Walking 100 miles isn't much, but it's something.

I've found it helps to explain to myself that I WANT to walk, exercise, eat well, as opposed to telling myself I HAVE to. After the storm comes the sun. Don't let cloudy days stop you from achieving your goals. You got this!

submitted by /u/DialZforZebra
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