So I’m 23M and 5’10” broad frame, started at around 400lbs 6 years ago, I’ve slowly with some ups and downs gotten to my lowest, 215 and finally am on a nice and easy continuous descent to my main goal of 180. I started the year at 250 so with these last 35 lbs I’ve really started noticed my outer layer of fat start to go down, and while I love being slimmer and feeling better some things are just totally foreign feeling to me as someone who’s been overweight since before puberty.
So like a lot of my outer most bones/tendon/ligaments are now not covered by a thick layer of visceral fat, and I can see a lot more of them and especially feel more of them. Like I’m painting some stuff in my house and I’ve been laying down on/kneeling on the floor which I swear is so much more uncomfortable now. I’ve been working really hard on my terrible posture this year as well and yesterday I realized my I can reach back and feel my spine way more, and unfortunately it does not feel as straight (side to side) as I thought, they checked me for scoliosis in school but I guess I need to go get checked again. That’s actually a good thing if I’m realizing it’s a problem, but it’s still weird and uncomfortable to feel my spine bones so individually.
I also feel really weird about seeing my legs and arms so small, even with the large amounts of loose skin hanging in some places when I stretch it back I feel weirdly small. I know this stuff isn’t like abnormal to feel, my body is getting smaller, and I’ve seen/felt people of a healthy weight and I know their skin isn’t just flat. I just thought I’d feel really good about it I guess, but it’s just kind of uncomfortable right now. Does anyone have any advice/experience with this? Can I hope it will go away soon as my brain adjusts to my body?
The spine thing is a new worry, but since I’m posting anyway does anyone know who should I be going to see if it’s an issue? And like I’ve had surgery on my torso twice (one incision goes across my spine skin-deep), if my spine was clearly crooked wouldn’t some doctor/surgeon have noticed and told me by now?
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