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Weight Loss for Everyone: Finally changing my lifestyle!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Finally changing my lifestyle!

Btw, I'm on mobile, sorry for my bad wording

I've always been a chubby kid. My parents fed me well, and I had a large appetite. I wasn't severely overweight; but I definitely had a few extra pounds.

As I grew older, I began to notice how other kids were small and frail, and I was on the larger side. I started becoming self conscious with myself in third grade. As puberty overcame my growing body, I hated myself more and more, but I couldn't control my love for food.

In middle school, I discovered eating disorders. I idolized anorexic and bulimic girls. I tried to force myself not to eat, as if the mental illness was something easy to handle.

Every attempt I took at a diet change failed. I was miserable and angry with myself, since I was too lazy to give up food yet I hated myself so much. This went on for several years, ruining my entire middle school experience. My weight slowly creeped up to 170 lbs.

Hoping for a miracle, I began following an anorexic boot camp diet during the summer (2019) before my freshman year. I lost 10 lbs, because I was eating less than 1000 calories per day. After following the diet plan for a month, I binged one too many times and gained all the weight back before Christmas.

I was eating well over 3000 calories per day, which is terribly unhealthy for a 14 year old girl. I was getting sick and tired if how gross and self conscious I felt, and I began searching for more solutions in January 2020.

Suddenly, it was as if the new year gave me a whole new perception of the world of weightloss and dieting. I started looking for solutions that would fit MY expectations and MY lifestyle, and not others.

The crazy calorie counting diet I had done was on fact the most success I've ever had with a diet. (Although it was terrible) It allowed me to eat whatever wanted, and it for ed me to be more conscious about my food choices.

So that's what I've been doing for the past 4 months. I've been counting my calories, and I'm down to 149.6 lbs!!

I'm more tempted to choose healthier eating choices, and ease into better eating habits. When I started, I had trouble eating less than 2000 calories per day, but as I got used to it, I eat about 1500 a day.

I also started drinking a lot more water and creating an exercise routine. I stretch and do a few anaerobic exercises in the morning and before bed, and I walk a mile everyday.

My gw is 130!! Hopefully everything will go smoothly :)

Note: this is just a story I wanted to share; I'm not recommending my diet to everyone!

TL;DR: I've always been fat, didn't know how to get on a diet, calories counting saved me!

submitted by /u/Potatoe-Peaches
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