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Weight Loss for Everyone: help! i really want to lose weight

Friday, August 27, 2021

help! i really want to lose weight

tw: eating disorder

So I made a new account in order to keep this post anon because I have a genuine problem that I'm scared to talk about and I follow a few friends on my other account. For context I've always been slightly self conscious about my weight but recently I've been more self conscious about the fat around my body, eg: my face fat, stomach fat, and I really just want to lose enough fat so that I feel okay with my body size. I've tried dieting many times but I find it so hard to diet. I keep falling back into reasons like, "why am I even restricting myself I should be able to eat whatever I want whenever I want" and its reasons like this that break my diets. I also have a terrible bingeing problem so whenever I feel like it I'll walk out to the nearest store and buy a whole bunch of snacks and instant noodles which makes me feel so guilty afterwards and I just feel like shit. I've tried making myself vomit after eating (by sticking my fingers down my throat) but it's only worked a few times and by the most recent time (a few minutes ago) it was really hurting my throat and I believe my gag reflex was becoming less sensitive. I'm bad at working out so I know that's probably off the list. Please send through any advice. I would really appreciate it <3

submitted by /u/ComprehensiveFish977
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