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Weight Loss for Everyone: Lost 65 pounds in 2019, gonna try and lose more.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Lost 65 pounds in 2019, gonna try and lose more.

So I’ve never posted anything personal on reddit but I figured I’d put this here to maybe help motivate me to do this again. I’m male, age 16 and weighed 300 pounds at the beginning of 2019. When I checked my weight and saw that I pretty much instantly forced myself to lose weight. To my surprise, once I got into it it actually wasn’t that bad. I started exercising 30-40 minutes a day (when I literally just didn’t before) and made sure not to binge eat. I didn’t do any big diets or anything, just made sure not to eat too much for lunch, then I kinda did whatever for dinner. And it worked great. While I was losing weight I was probably the happiest I have ever been. By January of this year, I weighed 235. I have been maintaining this weight throughout 2020, I’m still exercising, and I’m not eating AS much as I did before weight loss. However, I haven’t been exercising as much as I could be, and I could eat even less. So I’m gonna try and start this up again. Just figured I’d post my progress here so I can maybe update it at some point with more results. My goal is to get under 200 pounds pretty much.

submitted by /u/shinyseven77
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