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Weight Loss for Everyone: I've finally done it! But i still need advice...

Sunday, July 26, 2020

I've finally done it! But i still need advice...

I'm EXTREMELY proud to announce that, after 3 months of effort and patience, i've finally reached a normal body weight. I give credit to this sub as i've come here one too many times asking for advice but, here i am again :P Ok so here are the stats:

Im a 19 year old 5'1" female. When i first started out, i weighed 59 kgs. I started my journey on March 16th, 2020 and when i last weighed (june 8th), i was 51 kgs.

Ok so first thing's first, i'm super proud of myself for coming this far, proving to myself that i am in control of my body and i feel great about my accomplishment! That being said, i'm not quite there yet when it comes to certain jiggly parts on my body, ESPECIALLY my arms. From June to July, i've been trying to maintain, although i'm not quite sure if i've gained some more or not, since i don't have a scale at home. Honestly, i'm not worried about the scale fluctuating. My dresses feel looser and that's good enough in my eyes. I'm just thinking of trying to improve my body composition which, i believe, can be achieved by weightlifting. I currently don't have any weights at home, except for a backpack filled with books, so i'm thinking of using that for my strength training. My question is, do i continue eating at my maintenance calories (1350-1450 cal) and weightlift for 4 days in a week (30 mins each)? I'm also thinking of including 30 mins of moderate paced walking on the days i don't weightlift. Is this alright or should i be doing something different? Bear in mind, im new to weightlifting, i haven't lifted weights before. Any word of advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/Celestialoona
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