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Weight Loss for Everyone: 30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 28

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 28

Hello losers,

Happy Tuesday!

Weight by end of month (199 lbs, preferably trend weight): No weigh in this morning. 201.5 lbs trend weight.

Stay within calorie range (1700 ish): Better today. Back on the wagon. It's been a rough weekend for calories but it's way easier when the routine is back in place.

Exercise 5 days a week: 150 tbar swings at 50 pounds, arm strength stuff & some light yoga. 21/27 days.

Self-care time (JOURNALING, working on love journals, beauty treatments, drawing 0/23 days): I need a shower & some skin care routine woot woot.

Try a new recipe once a week: An imitation crab salad with homemade sauce, a crock pot Italian wedding soup, Russian dressing & a chicken lemon orzo soup. I want to make a cole slaw only with a veg & dressing setup I prefer. 4/5 weeks.

50 pages of The Body Keeps the Score: An attempt was made. 1/50 pages.

No fast food or candy from the work dish: Streak day 3. 4 candy related lapse in judgement.

Listen to my effing body: Body tired today. Inertia was a bit of a struggle I will admit.

Be more mindful & express gratitude, avoid the hedonic treadmill: Hit me up. What's giving you life?

Your turn kids!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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