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Weight Loss for Everyone: And we are back

Friday, July 31, 2020

And we are back

Hey everyone, 24/m/350lbs here. I’m on day three of logging my foods and exercising. Took the time to recharge the Fitbit, redownloaded all the apps, got my food scale again.It’s been a few years(and about 100lbs) since I posted here but these last few days have made me feel so good already. So far I’ve lost 4lbs already since my weigh in this morning. I’ve always fluctuated with my weight my whole life, last year in 2019 I went from 376lbs to 311 landscaping with a family member from about 5am-7pm for two days a week for about 4 months. I’m now a banker and hardly move and realized I’ve caked most of that back on. My routine is jogging—crawling by the end—a mile and then doing 100 jump rope jumps and finishing up with some sets on my front stairs. Surprisingly I can still hit two blocks without stopping. Anyways, I hope I can keep you guys updated on my journey. Even if there is no interest, just writing this makes me want to stick with it.

submitted by /u/CeeWeeHerman
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