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Weight Loss for Everyone: 29M SW: 263 CW: 241 | Been pretty depressed because of a break up and using it to get myself to finally start losing. Some issues I'm having with food choice.

Friday, July 31, 2020

29M SW: 263 CW: 241 | Been pretty depressed because of a break up and using it to get myself to finally start losing. Some issues I'm having with food choice.

So for roughly the past 4-5 days, I've been consuming VERY little food. Like, <800 calories daily. It started from me being depressed over a break up and I want to change myself like I've wanted for the past 5 years, so I want to continue it. I work in a factory and put in an average of 17,545 steps daily. outside of this, I do zero exercising but willing to start when I feel I'm up for it.

The question I have though is, with me doing this <800 calories daily, doing OMAD (Usually at Midnight, but sometimes at 8PM) to give me those <800 calories and drinking ~1 gallon of water a day, is this increasing bad for my health? For my one 'meal', I eat 4 scrambled eggs with some salsa on top, a banana and lately a spoonful of peanut butter.

I'm obviously doing this to lose weight, but I don't think I'm doing it correctly. I know that if you do stuff wrong, your metabolism will drop and you'll no longer be losing weight. I'm concerned about this and need some advice. I don't mind being hungry from the <800 calories since I basically chug a bottle of water every time my hunger pangs pop up. While at work, that tends to be ever hour or 2, depending on how much I'm sweating (Factory, it's 100+ in there everyday, and sometimes I pee once while on a 9 hour shift, even with a gallon of water in me).

Please help, I'm stuck and worried I'm messing things up and want to make sure I fix my bad habits before they become more serious.

submitted by /u/Ein_The_Pup
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