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Weight Loss for Everyone: I'm back to the weight I was when I was at university... but I don't look like I did back then

Friday, July 31, 2020

I'm back to the weight I was when I was at university... but I don't look like I did back then

Bit of background on my journey here... I (27F, 5'4.5") never really worried about my weight I was always quite active and whilst not skinny, I was happy with where I was and I was a healthy weight when I went off to university at 19. Fast forward a few years and I met my boyfriend (now fiance) when I was 21. When we met I was a happy and healthy 133lbs, feeling confident in myself and my body and looking great.

Getting happy and comfortable in my relationship, plus the fact that he is an AMAZING cook and loved the fact that I wasn't shy about eating a lot, over time I gained and gained until in 2017 I hit my highest weight of 178lbs. I had tried diets before but I'd always end up gaining what I'd lost back and then some, but seeing pictures of how I looked against my forever skinny boyfriend really hit home for me. So I started CICO in January 2018 and since then my weight has been on a gradual decline. Granted, there have been times when its gone up a few pounds due to holidays, christmas etc, but I've never let it get out of control.

Today, I weighed in at 133.5lbs. Almost the exact weight I was when I met my other half, and yet, I don't look the same. I'm telling myself it's because I'm older and maybe my hips have widened and maybe because I gained the weight my body fat percentage is higher than it was back then, but in reality I'm a little sad about it. My goal for the last few years has been to get back down to this weight, knowing how confident I was when I was this weight before, but now that I'm here I don't feel confident. I've changed my goal weight to 125lbs, hoping that losing these last few lbs will do the trick. I'm trying not to let this affect me, as I know I've come very far.

Has anyone else had this experience? I'd love to know more about it and why this is and how it works and what I could possibly do about it.

TLDR; I've hit my original goal weight thinking I would look like I did when I was this weight at 21, but am disappointed and saddened to see that I don't.

submitted by /u/RandyBobandy093
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