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Weight Loss for Everyone: On a Plateau

Thursday, July 30, 2020

On a Plateau

Age: 18(M) SW: 293 lbs CW: 255-270 lbs GW: 200-210 lbs Lifestyle: Sedentary

Hello everyone first post on the subreddit (and reddit in general). I'm an 18 y/o male, height: 6 ft with a current weight of 255-270 lbs (home analog scale is inaccurate and changes depending on how I stand on the scale) and a starting weight of 293 lbs (digital scale measured during my doctor's visit in March). I thought I had been making good progress towards my goal weight of 200-210 lbs but I've noticed for the past month I've plateaued at my current weight. I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle right now due to the pandemic so I understood that my progress would take longer than usual, but what concerns me the most is that I feel like the weight I've lost while calorie counting/ eating healthier than in college is whatever excess muscle I had, rather than fat. It sounds kind of dumb but I'm more jiggly? than before. Sorry if this has been asked before or is rambling but I'm unsure how to progress from here. Any advice would be great and I'd love to hear personal experiences as well. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/EveryManNair
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