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Weight Loss for Everyone: I’ve been successful??

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

I’ve been successful??

So, I posted on here a while back and talked about how I was tired of just binging over and over again. But 4 days ago when I posted that and cried all night, my will to binge was gone.

Now, my will to binge is practically gone. Looking back at it, I was never even craving the stuff I binged. But here’s where it gets kinda confusing for me...

That day I posted that I binged, and so I’ve gone three days without binging but today I binged again. But I’m not mad at it cause it’s a start.

My goal was to increase the days by two. Like go three days without binging, then after a that go five or six days without binging, then go seven or eight. And although it’s kinda a slow pase it’s working for me.

So although I binged today, I know I’m increasing my days between a binge. I got some new techniques to help and they are helping a lot. If your reading this, thanks for doing that and hope you’ve been successful too❤️❤️

submitted by /u/chrisgoogi
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