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Weight Loss for Everyone: Let’s talk about metabolism.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Let’s talk about metabolism.

Alrighty. So we’re all familiar with BMRs (basal metabolic rate) and TDEEs (Total Daily energy expidenture). We’re aware that things like NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) and TEF (thermic effect of food) and other variables that affect our metabolisms. The number of calories we burn at our current body and weight are super important for figuring out a calorie deficit at which we can lose weight.

I have a few questions about metabolism.

I know that it slows down the more weight you lose (because it takes less calories to run a smaller body). I know that muscle apparently also adds to your metabolism, but from the research i’ve seen, it only adds a couple extra calories out? From a weight loss perspective, is it extremely necessary?

Also, is it possible that staying in a deficit for a consistent period of time slows down your metabolism? If so, by how much? is it enough to stall or slow down your weight loss (besides the fact that lost weight = less CO)?

Are there really such things as faster / slower metabolisms? How much do they vary by?

How much does exercise really add to our calories out (since machines and watches overestimate). As long as weight loss is possible from a calorie deficit, is it necessary to exercise (aside from the obvious health/fitness benefits)?

And lastly, metabolic recovery. Say you have been suffering from an ED for a while, does your metabolism suffer, and by how much? How does metabolism “repair” overtime?

I’ve seen a lot of varying information about metabolism and how if we stay at too much of a low deficit it will damage it: what exactly is this damage?

Answers to any of the above, if not all, would be much appreciated. I’ve been eating at a deficit to lose a pound per week for the past 5 months, I have lost 20lbs and have roughly 10 more pounds to lose until my goal weight. weight loss has slowed for me but i’m at the lowest possible calorie deficit i can be at that can be healthy for me. i wanted to know about metabolism as i haven’t seen a solid list of information about it.

I know this will be useful for more people as they educate themselves about weight loss through this sub! Much appreciated :)

submitted by /u/rumithegenie
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